At Repsol, what matters most to us is your Safety.
Each of these rules have been developed for you, to help you perform your job as safely as possible. Become your head of Safety.

This portal is designed to offer you all the necessary material to know and disseminate Repsol’s 10 Basic Safety Rules. Access the world of the 10 Rules by clicking on each content.

10 Rules to save life

Spin & Learn

Test your knowledge!

E agora também em portugues



Learn the content of the 10 Basic Rules in the time you take to have a coffee. Anytime and on any device.


Multimedia Course

* If you are a Repsol employee, take this training on the corporate learning platform.

Reinforce your knowledge on the 10 Basic Rules and put yourself to the test with this multimedia course.


Download material

Digital repository with corporate materials prepared for download and use.

Know the 10 BSR

10 Rules in PDF format for reading on digital devices and printing.

Live the 10 BSR

10 Rules in 360 video format for an immersive experience.

And always remember